How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside

How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside? 6 Easy Ways!

While spending time in nature might be pleasant, bothersome insects can soon turn that enjoyment into a hassle. Removing flies is a must for creating a comfortable outdoor space, whether you’re having a picnic, backyard BBQ, or patio party. 

We’ll provide useful advice and efficient fly-repelling techniques in this blog article so you may enjoy your outdoor activities without being bothered by flies. We have you covered for anything from clever gardening ideas to all-natural repellents.

How To Get Rid Of Flies Outside

Eliminate Potential Food Sources

Since food attracts flies, it’s important to get rid of any possible food sources. Keep outdoor dining spaces spotless and clear of food scraps. When not in use, cover food and beverages, and clean up spills right away. In order to keep flies away from compost and rubbish, think about utilizing properly sealed containers.

Use Natural Fly Repellents

The use of natural fly repellents can aid in keeping flies away from outdoor spaces. Fly repellent sprays using herbs, essential oils like lavender or lemongrass, and citronella candles can all be useful in keeping flies away. 

Scatter candles over the seating area, use essential oils in a diffuser or natural spray, or make your own fly repellent sprays at home with basic components like vinegar or lemon juice. See my homemade fly repellent spray recipe, which uses vinegar, below. Below is a recipe for a homemade fly repellent spray that uses lemon juice.

Install Fly Screens and Netting

Install fly screens or netting to keep flies out of your outdoor area. To make a screen that keeps flies out and lets fresh air in, attach it to windows, doors, or outside structures. Particular care should be paid to spaces like outdoor kitchens and picnic areas where food is produced or served.

Optimize Outdoor Lighting

Since flies are drawn to bright lights, you can help discourage them by making the most of your outdoor lighting. Instead of utilizing white or incandescent lights, think about using sodium vapor or yellow bulbs, which are less appealing to flies. To keep flies away from gathering places, place lights away from seated areas.

Incorporate Fly-Repelling Plants

Certain plants, like the marigolds in the accompanying photo, naturally deter insects. Use these plants to repel flies to naturally defend your outdoor area from flying insects. Plants with fly-repelling properties include basil, lavender, mint, and marigold. To deter flies from staying, plant them in pots or garden beds next to seating areas or doorways.

Maintain a Clean Outdoor Environment

Flies find an uncluttered outdoor setting less appealing. Remove pet waste on a regular basis, tidy up fallen fruit or organic matter that has decomposed, and maintain clean, sealed trash cans and compost bins. Reduce the amount of overgrown plants and keep your garden well-kept to reduce the number of fly breeding sites. Fly attractants include pet waste and rotting food odors.

Consider Fly Traps or Bug Zappers

In outdoor spaces, fly populations can be effectively decreased with the use of fly traps or insect zappers. To draw in flies and catch them, place fly traps far from places where people sit. UV light is used by bug zappers to draw in and kill flies. Place them far from areas where people congregate to reduce disruption.

Here’s a simple and natural DIY fly repellent spray recipe using vinegar that you can make at home


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1 cup witch hazel or apple cider vinegar (choose one)
  • 10-15 drops of essential oils (options: peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, citronella, or tea tree oil)


  1. In a spray bottle, mix together the distilled water and either witch hazel or apple cider vinegar.
  2. Add 10-15 drops of your chosen essential oils. You can use one type of oil or a blend for enhanced effectiveness.
  3. Close the spray bottle and shake well to thoroughly combine the ingredients.
  4. Your DIY fly repellent spray is now ready to use.

How to Use:

  1. Shake the spray bottle before each use to ensure the ingredients are well mixed.
  2. Spray the repellent in areas where flies are commonly found, such as around windows, doors, or other entry points to your home.
  3. Use the spray on outdoor furniture, patio areas, or near garbage cans to keep flies away.
  4. Reapply the spray every few hours or as needed, especially if you notice increased fly activity.


  • Pet Safety: Some essential oils can be harmful to pets, particularly cats and dogs. Ensure the oils you choose are safe for animals.
  • Food and Surfaces: Avoid spraying directly on food or kitchen surfaces to prevent altering the taste of the food or leaving a residue. Always test a small area first before applying the repellent to sensitive surfaces or fabrics.

This natural and eco-friendly DIY fly repellent spray is a great alternative to chemical-based products, making it safer for you, your family, and the environment. Enjoy a fly-free and pleasant living space!

DIY fly repellent spray recipe using lemon juice


  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice (freshly squeezed is best)
  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel or white vinegar
  • 10-15 drops of essential oil (optional, see notes below)


  1. Combine the water and lemon juice in a spray bottle.
  2. Add the witch hazel or white vinegar to help emulsify the lemon juice and water, ensuring they blend well.
  3. For a stronger repellent, add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Suitable options include peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, lemongrass, citronella, or tea tree oil.
  4. Close the spray bottle and shake thoroughly to mix all ingredients.

How to Use:

  1. Shake the spray bottle before each use to ensure the ingredients are well mixed.
  2. Spray the repellent in areas where flies are a nuisance, such as near windows, doors, or outdoor sitting areas.
  3. You can also apply the spray to your skin or clothing, particularly when spending time outdoors, to help keep flies away.
  4. Reapply the spray every few hours or as needed, especially if fly activity increases.


  • Sun Sensitivity: Lemon juice can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Avoid applying the spray to skin that will be exposed to the sun for prolonged periods. Perform a patch test first to check for any adverse reactions if you plan to use the spray on your skin.
  • Essential Oils and Pets: While adding essential oils is optional, they can enhance the repellent’s effectiveness and provide a pleasant aroma. However, be cautious when using certain essential oils around pets, as some can be harmful to animals.

This DIY fly repellent spray using lemon juice is an eco-friendly and natural solution to keep flies at bay. Enjoy a fly-free environment and the fresh, citrusy scent of lemon while repelling those pesky insects!

Final Thoughts

It is imperative to keep flies away from outdoor areas in order to have a comfortable, fly-free atmosphere. You can effectively control flies and maximize your outdoor activities by getting rid of potential food sources, using natural repellents, installing fly screens, maximizing outdoor lighting, adding fly-repelling plants, keeping your surroundings clean, and thinking about fly traps or bug zappers. Accept these tips, and bid adieu to bothersome flies while you enjoy the splendor of nature.

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