Other Home Tips

Why Your House Still Doesn’t Look Clean

Why Your House Still Doesn’t Look Clean? 11 Reasons Why!

Have you ever spent the entire day cleaning your house, but somehow it still looks cluttered and messy? If yes, then you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle to maintain a clean and organized house despite their best efforts.  Whether it’s failing to keep up with the cleaning or not knowing where to start, there are several reasons why your house may still look dirty. In this blog post, we will explore the top 11 reasons why your house still doesn’t look clean, and what you can do about it. Dirty Baseboards and Corners I want to share a valuable secret that will greatly enhance the cleanliness of your house. Are you ready for it? Get down on your hands and knees! Before you click away, let me explain. I understand that the idea of cleaning on your hands and knees may not sound appealing, but trust me, it’s worth it. When we clean by vacuuming, sweeping, or mopping, dust and dirt tend to accumulate in the corners and baseboards, unnoticed and undisturbed. By getting down to floor level, you’ll be amazed at the dirt and grime that you otherwise would have missed. Let me give you a glimpse into my own home. I had neglected deep cleaning my Master Bath for about a month. While I had wiped down the bath, toilet, shower, and sinks, I hadn’t mopped or descaled the glass in four weeks. No particular reason, just a bit lazy. At a quick glance, everything seemed fine. However, once I got down on my hands and knees for a thorough clean, I was able to see the dirt and grime in the crevices of the tile wall and baseboards. I had to zoom in to show you, but trust me, it’s there. To ensure that I pick up all the dirt, I always make sure to clean the perimeter of the room, baseboards, and corners. So, don’t underestimate the power of getting down on your hands and knees to clean. It’s a game-changer! Not Re-Caulking Caulk is an essential material used to seal the seams of your house, particularly where wood and drywall meet. It plays a crucial role in preventing the entry of bugs, water, and air into your home. While silicone caulk is primarily used to seal around cooktop ranges, sinks, and tubs, it is important to note that over time, the settling and flexing of materials in your house, along with changes in temperature outside, can cause your house to expand and contract.  As a result, you may begin to notice gaps in molding, baseboards, sinks, tubs, showers, and other areas. These gaps, combined with the deterioration or shrinkage of caulk over the years, can contribute to an aged and dirty appearance in your house. To address this, you can take a closer look at the areas in your bathroom, for example, and apply fresh caulk to the molding. This simple task, which takes approximately five minutes, can significantly rejuvenate the overall look of your walls. Additionally, if you notice any gauges in the wood, you can easily fill them in with a small amount of wood filler, followed by a coat of paint. By regularly maintaining and updating the caulk in your home, you can ensure a visually appealing and well-sealed environment for years to come. Clutter Clutter refers to a collection of disorganized things that are the opposite of cleanliness. It not only creates a chaotic and untidy appearance in your home but also increases the amount of work required to maintain it.  The more belongings you possess, the more effort it takes to keep them organized and put away. If you desire to spend less time tidying up and clearing surfaces, it is crucial to declutter. One key aspect of maintaining a clean house is ensuring that everything has its designated place. When you accumulate too many possessions, you may find yourself lacking sufficient space to accommodate them.  As a result, surfaces, cupboards, and closets become overcrowded, leading to unsightly stacks and piles. Even when it comes to decorating, remember that less is often more. An excess of decorative items can contribute to a messy appearance within your home. Dirty Walls Walls tend to accumulate dirt and can get surprisingly dirty. They are prone to scuffs, scratches, splatters, and drips, which can make your house look dirty even when it isn’t. Therefore, including spot cleaning walls in your seasonal deep clean checklist is essential for maintaining a clean home. Fortunately, cleaning walls is not a difficult task. However, it’s worth noting that flat paint is more challenging to clean compared to satin or eggshell finishes. To clean painted walls, simply mix warm water with mild detergent. If you need extra cleaning power, you can gently scrub using a mixture of baking soda and water. Finally, keep in mind that paint loses its shine over time. If your walls are noticeably dull, applying a fresh coat of paint can drastically transform the appearance of a room. Windows For years, I never realized the impact that windows can have on the atmosphere of a home. It was only when I visited some newly built houses that I finally understood why they felt so bright and airy. The clarity of the windows made the entire space feel clean, fresh, and open. That’s precisely why I made the conscious decision not to have blinds in my own home.  Blinds tend to obstruct natural light, creating a darker and less inviting ambiance. If you look at stunning homes on Pinterest, you’ll notice that none of them have blinds. Of course, I understand that some people require added privacy and blinds serve that purpose. However, it’s important to consider the trade-off. Additionally, let’s not forget the impact of dirty windows on our mood. When windows, including the window screens, are covered in grime, they create a hazy effect that filters the natural light. It’s truly amazing how much cleaner and brighter a house feels with spotless windows. 

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How To Make Your Home Look More Expensive

How To Make Your Home Look More Expensive? 9 Easy Ways!

Creating a luxurious look for your home does not always have to be expensive. In fact, you can achieve an expensive-looking home without having to spend a lot of money. Improving the appearance of your space does not always require a complete renovation or redesigning.  In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to make your home look more expensive without breaking the bank. Declutter Your House Achieving a minimalistic look in your home is often associated with celeb homes and expensive residences. While not everyone can afford a designer or new furniture, decluttering is something we can all do! Decluttering can significantly enhance the minimalistic feel of your home. One effective method recommended by experts is to imagine yourself as a guest walking in for the first time. Take a close look at each room section individually to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Identify items that are visually unpleasant and work on removing them. Start with the kitchen, as it is a great place to begin. Empty out your fridge and pantry, putting away any unnecessary items that clutter your counters. Remember, less is more! Take a moment to consider if there are things you haven’t used in months or items you’re holding onto “just in case.” Consider donating or giving away these items. Additionally, don’t overlook the importance of decluttering your closets. While they may not be visible to guests most of the time, they play a crucial role in the overall decluttering process. Clearing out the clutter in your closets can create additional storage space for essential items that currently occupy your counters or tables. Clean Up Having a clean home is crucial for achieving an opulent appearance. If you have limited time and guests are about to arrive, prioritize cleaning the main bathroom with a deep clean. Ensure the toilet, sink, and handles are spotless.  A shiny finish is of utmost importance! Consider using a polish solution on the counters and backsplash. For a quick fix, you can even use Windex to clean all surfaces. Many professional cleaners use this spray to wipe down various surfaces, so you can save money by going Windex crazy! Moving on, focus on cleaning the kitchen counters and appliances, making sure everything shines. You can try an all-purpose cleaner to tackle multiple surfaces simultaneously (we highly recommend one specifically for the kitchen). Lastly, if you’re pressed for time, mopping and polishing the floors can quickly elevate the appearance of your home. We suggest using a floor polish every few months. Although people might not realize it, our floors always receive compliments even when we haven’t polished them in months! To create an elegant ambiance when guests arrive, consider lighting a candle to welcome them with a fresh and inviting scent. These are just a few quick cleaning tips, but regularly cleaning and freshening up your home is the real key to achieving an expensive look. Freshen Up Your House When it comes to freshening up, cleaning plays a crucial role. It’s essential to change the sheets, towels, and carpets regularly. Additionally, having a vase of fresh-cut flowers can instantly elevate the ambiance of your house. As a suggestion, consider purchasing flowers every week while doing your grocery shopping and place them in different rooms. You can often find flower bundles at my local grocery store, 3 for $15, which typically last 1-2 weeks. To enhance your kitchen, consider adding fresh fruit or herbs on the counter. Not only do they bring color and scent, but they are also functional. Instead of dusty faux plants, I recommend investing in affordable indoor plants. Indoor plants not only serve as decor but can also purify the air, making your space look and feel great. Add Some Lighting Lighting plays a crucial role in altering the ambiance of a house dramatically. Consider entering a gloomy garage with flickering cool-toned lights; undoubtedly, that would create an unfavorable first impression! For individuals with budget constraints seeking an effortless and cost-effective lighting solution, the easiest fix is to replace all the bulbs with ones that have the same lighting temperature. If you desire warm tones throughout the rooms, opt for bulbs with the same shade of warm tones.  Additionally, if you stumble upon a light bulb “temperature” that you adore, it’s advisable to stock up on them to ensure consistency among your bulbs consistently! Paint Your Walls With Neutral Colors Painting your walls with neutral colors can make your home appear more sophisticated and elegant. Neutral colors like beige, taupe, and gray are classic choices that can easily transform your space. These colors also give you the flexibility to change up your decor and furniture without having to worry about clashing colors. Windows To enhance the aesthetics of your windows, consider investing in the appropriate curtains and curtain hardware. Opting to hang the curtains just below the ceiling not only creates the illusion of higher ceilings and longer windows but also lends an air of elegance and opulence to your home décor, giving it a more expensive and luxurious appearance. Metallic Accents To elevate the elegance of your home, consider incorporating more metallic accents. You have the option to choose between silver or gold metallic vases, depending on your color palette. Additionally, you can enhance the aesthetic by purchasing metallic accents such as candelabras and accent tables.  For a personal touch, you can even embark on a DIY project by spray painting your decor to achieve the desired metallic accents. Don’t forget to explore different metallic finishes in various parts of the house, such as spray painting your taps. Change Your Bathroom And Kitchen Hardware Investing in high-quality bathroom and kitchen hardware is a small yet impactful way to enhance the luxuriousness of your home.  By installing elegant hardware on cabinets in these areas, you can significantly elevate the overall look and feel of your living space, making it appear more expensive and indulgent. Staging The Home One way to make your home feel like

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Things That Make Your Home Look Cluttered

12 Things That Make Your Home Look Cluttered

Here are some of the common factors that contribute to the overall appearance of clutter in your home. By implementing the following tips, you can effectively reduce clutter and simplify both your home and your life. Even when your home is clean, it can still give off a cluttered impression, which can be a source of stress for some individuals. Moreover, excessive clutter leads to additional cleaning and dusting tasks.  To better understand what causes a cluttered look in your house, we can start with unorganized and over-stuffed rooms, beginning with the entrance hall. Additionally, clutter tends to accumulate on kitchen counters, open shelving, and even the fridge door.  Consider organizing your laundry area and reducing the number of toys, collectibles, and stacks of paper that your kids have to create a more orderly and tranquil living space. To simplify your home and your life, it is advisable to declutter your living space. You can begin this process by eliminating unnecessary items, which will subsequently decrease the amount of daily tidying required and reduce the number of objects on your surfaces. When establishing an organizational system, it is crucial to keep it simple. If the system is overly complicated, it becomes less likely that you and your family will adhere to it, resulting in a return to a cluttered environment sooner rather than later. Why Should You Reduce Your Clutter? A cluttered home is a matter of personal preference. While some individuals enjoy displaying important, pretty, or useful objects on surfaces, others prefer minimalist counters and shelves. However, it is important to note that excessive clutter can result in added stress by becoming a distraction, reducing attention, and increasing anxiety. Additionally, visualizing a pile of papers or an overflowing shelf can induce further stress as you ponder about the process of organizing or decluttering. On the other hand, having a tidy space makes cleaning more efficient. Instead of individually dusting each item, you can save time by giving the entire shelf a wipe. Reducing clutter not only saves time but also saves money. Apart from the initial purchase cost of the items, excessive clutter may lead to the misplacement of belongings, resulting in repurchasing. Moreover, you may find yourself needing to invest in additional shelves or storage boxes to organize your possessions effectively. 12 Things That Make Your Home Look Cluttered A Cluttered Entrance The entrance hall of your home plays a crucial role in creating a lasting first impression. When welcoming guests, it’s important to ensure that they aren’t greeted by a pile of backpacks and sneakers. Similarly, coming home to an overwhelming clutter can dampen your mood. To tackle this issue, it’s essential to create an organized and functional entryway. A dedicated drop zone can serve as a solution, consisting of hooks or a closet where coats can be neatly hung, a basket or rack for shoes, a hatstand for headwear, a wall pocket or box for handling mail, and a bench for conveniently placing bags. Moreover, by teaching children to hang up their coats before entering the house, you can effectively prevent clutter from accumulating and disrupting the entrance space. Adopting this proactive approach ensures a cleaner and more inviting entryway for everyone. A Free-For-All Fridge When I return home, my first stop is the kitchen to grab a quick cup of coffee and take a look inside the fridge. It’s always a bit disheartening to see a messy kitchen, and it doesn’t exactly motivate me to cook dinner. The fridge itself is a significant appliance that plays a central role in the kitchen. Sometimes, it’s tempting to turn the fridge into a notice board, art gallery, filing cabinet, or even a place to store party invitations. However, this only adds to the messy and cluttered look of the kitchen, and it’s not an effective method for staying organized when it comes to keeping track of school events, sports activities, and social gatherings.  You might end up missing important things like permission slips for upcoming events or reminders about trips to the museum. A better and tidier solution is to set up a neat bulletin board on the wall, solely for reminders and lists. You can even include a monthly calendar and use different colors to differentiate between family members. Feel free to display your children’s artwork, but do you really need to keep every finger-painting your teenager did back when they were three? Beloved photos and paintings can be framed and hung on the kitchen wall as a decorative and sentimental touch. Additionally, make it a habit to clean both the inside and outside of your fridge on a weekly basis. This helps get rid of any expired or spoiled food and ensures that you can easily find what you need, preventing unnecessary purchases and wasted items. Crowded Counters In order to maintain a clean and inviting kitchen, it’s important to tackle the clutter that often accumulates on kitchen counters. With the wide array of kitchen gadgets and tools available, it’s easy to end up with more than we actually need. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly assess and organize our kitchen items. Start by adopting a rule of thumb: put away everything that is not needed on a daily basis. Consider donating, giving away, or tossing any items that you no longer use or need. For example, that waffle maker that hasn’t been used in a year, the tub of rice that is taking up unnecessary space, the ugly vase your aunt gave you, or that potted plant that has seen better days. To effectively declutter your kitchen counters, keep appliances and kitchen tools stored in drawers and cabinets instead of leaving them out on the counter. As you organize, be sure to get rid of anything that hasn’t been used in the past six months. If you have holiday-specific dishes or tools that are only used for special occasions, consider storing them in a box in the basement, garage, or a closet to keep

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Best Halloween Decorations

15 Best Halloween Decorations That You Should Try!

Halloween is around the corner, and it’s time to get creative with your decorating skills. Halloween is an exciting holiday that everyone loves, from kids to adults, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get spooky and have fun.  If you’re looking to add some scary decorations to your home, we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a list of 15 of the best Halloween decorations that you must have to make your home look haunted. Floating Witch Hats I’m so excited to give this a try! For a fantastic Halloween look, why not hang inexpensive witch hats from the ceiling using a fishing line? It’s incredibly easy to do and the result is absolutely awesome. Get ready to impress your guests with this unique and affordable decoration idea! Broom Parking Sign  Transform your porch into a whimsical display with this delightful idea. Visit the local dollar store and grab a few brooms to bring your creation to life. Craft a custom-made sign that reads ‘Broom Parking’ – a playful touch that will surely pique the curiosity of your neighbors. They’ll be left wondering just how many witches you have taking up residence in your house! Halloween Staircase Get ready to transform your space into a spooktacular realm! Adorned with whimsical paper bats and vibrant orange lights, this Halloween decor will surely amaze your guests. Best of all, it’s incredibly easy to set up! Flying Witch Experience the thrill of this haunted house! Step inside if you dare, where flying witches will keep a watchful eye on you throughout your visit. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure filled with scares and surprises! Creepy Hanging Candles Illuminate your Halloween celebration with the mesmerizing spectacle of floating candles suspended from the ceiling. Prepare to be captivated by this eerie yet astonishing display that will leave your guests in awe. Black Dripping Candle Holders Experience the enchanting ambiance with battery-operated candles. Enhance the allure by skillfully crafting realistic dripping effects using black paint and hot glue. Halloween Candy Plates  Get ready to embrace the Halloween spirit with this exciting fall DIY craft idea that both kids and adults will love! Create your very own Halloween Candy Plates using clear plastic plates filled with delicious candy. Transform them into adorable green witches or cute orange pumpkins by wrapping them up creatively. It’s a delightful and enchanting way to celebrate the spooky season! Skeleton Bubble Bath Embrace the spooky season with a Skeleton Bubble Bath! This delightful DIY project requires only 4 items and can be put together using budget-friendly supplies from your nearby dollar store or local craft store. Get ready to transform your bath time into a hauntingly fun experience! Witch Legs For Halloween Learn how to create wicked witch legs for Halloween and recreate the iconic scene from The Wizard of Oz! This fun DIY project will bring back all the nostalgia and add a spooky touch to your Halloween decorations. Get ready to impress your guests with this unique and memorable Halloween prop! Witch’s Halloween Shadow  Imagine using a tiny light on a petite witch to create an enormous and captivating witch’s shadow that engulfs your entire house. Lawn Ghosts How creepy is it that these spooky creations are actually made with nothing more than drop cloths and clear packing tape? You won’t believe how easy it is to conjure up your own eerie decorations using these materials! Pumpkin On Stairs Imagine walking up a flight of stairs adorned with cascading flowers, lush green plants, and whimsical pumpkins. This Halloween decor not only complements the spooky decorations all around but also adds a touch of enchantment and beauty to your home. It’s simply gorgeous! Climbing Skeletons Create a spooky Halloween spectacle by attaching plastic skeletons to the side of your house! Watch as they appear to climb up the wall, captivating everyone’s attention. This eye-catching display is guaranteed to make drivers slow down in awe of the bone-chilling scene! Halloween Garage Door Silhouette Transform your garage door (or any wall) into a spooky and mesmerizing glowing scene that will captivate the entire neighborhood, leaving everyone in awe of your creativity and Halloween spirit! Flamingo Vultures Transform your ordinary pink lawn flamingos into fierce vultures with just a few cans of spray paint and a stylish white boa elegantly wrapped around their necks. This creative DIY project will surely catch the attention of your neighbors and add a touch of whimsy to your outdoor decor. Final Words Halloween is well known for its spooky and fun decorations, and there are plenty of ways to make your home look haunted for the occasion. We’ve provided a list of 15 best Halloween decorations that will surely make your home an eerie, chilling ambiance for a successful Halloween celebration. With these Halloween decoration ideas, you are sure to create a fun and memorable experience for you and your guests. Don’t forget to get creative and have fun while making your home look the spookiest yet!

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Best Professional House Cleaning Hacks

8 Best Professional House Cleaning Hacks! 

Maintaining a clean home can feel like a never-ending battle. However, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Professional cleaners have mastered several time-saving techniques that can make cleaning more manageable. Want to bring back the sparkle to your home?  Check out these 8 simple hacks used by pros and get ready for a sparkling clean space in no time. Cleaning Hacks For Disinfecting Use Your Dishwasher Discover the secret cleaning powers of your dishwasher! Professional cleaners have unlocked its potential beyond dishes. Maximize this handy appliance by using it to clean various household items.  Imagine deep cleaning your bathroom with ease – simply place your toothbrush holder and soap dish on the top rack. No more scrubbing for these essential pieces, as the grime is effortlessly washed away. While you’re busy tidying up your kitchen, why not make your dish drains and range hood filter sparkle by adding them to the dishwasher? Yes, that’s right! You can even toss your cleaning utensils, scrub brushes, and sponges in there too!  Pop them on the top rack to banish bacteria and mildew between regular cleanings. And here’s a tip – grab some inexpensive dishwasher baskets to effortlessly clean those small items that don’t quite fit on a regular rack. Make your kitchen cleaning routine a breeze! Steam It Is your microwave looking grimy and hard to clean? No worries, here’s a simple trick to make your cleaning process easier! Just place a cup filled with water in the microwave and run it for 3 minutes.  This will create steam that will loosen the stuck-on residue. All that’s left to do is wipe it away and voila! Your microwave will be squeaky clean! Oh, and don’t forget to use a microwave plate cover to prevent future messes. Happy cleaning! Cleaning Hacks For Efficiency Professional Cleaners Maintain Their Cleaning Supplies Don’t neglect the cleanliness of your cleaning tools! Keep your sponges, mop heads, and scrub brushes in top shape by rinsing them after each use and letting them air dry in a well-ventilated area. We all know how tiring cleaning can be, but this is a step we often forget. Speaking of maintenance, your vacuum needs some love too. Remember to empty the canister or bag after each use and give the inside and bottom of the machine a wipe-down when you’re done cleaning for the day. And don’t overlook the importance of regular filter and rotating brush cleaning. Your cleaning routine will thank you! Always Keep Your Supplies Handy When Cleaning Your House Want to make cleaning your home a breeze? Keep all your essential tools in one convenient place. A carrying basket can work wonders for organizing your most-used tools. With everything at your fingertips, you can effortlessly move from room to room. And when you’re done, simply stash the affordable caddy under the sink. Cleaning has never been so easy! Make sure to have these essentials in your basket: a versatile all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner for crystal clear surfaces, wood cleaner for a polished finish, a gentle scrub brush or toothbrush for hard-to-reach areas, latex gloves to keep your hands protected, and a microfiber cloth for quick and efficient cleaning. Never Forget To Squeegee Having a squeegee as part of your cleaning toolkit is a must-have. Not only does it offer a streak-free clean on windows, mirrors, and shower doors, but this handy cleaning tool has so many other uses too. Imagine reducing your bathroom cleaning time. Simply ask your family members to give the shower walls and floor a quick wipe with a squeegee after each use. This helps to maintain cleanliness between deep cleanings and keeps your bathroom looking fresh. Don’t miss out on the convenience and versatility that a squeegee brings to your cleaning routine. Get one today and experience the difference it can make! More Cleaning Hacks From Professionals Look For Hidden Dust While Cleaning Discover one of the ultimate secrets to conquer dust in your living room and bedrooms: targeting its hiding spots. Unleash your cleaning prowess by moving furniture and embracing the thrill of uncovering hidden dust bunnies.  Transform your furniture’s cleanliness by delicately removing cushions and delving into every crack and crevice with a powerful vacuum. Engage in these monthly tasks to maintain order in these bustling rooms and triumph over the dust invasion. Always Clean In Natural Light Discover hidden dirt and dust by opening all the curtains and blinds in your house. Professional cleaners rely on this tactic, taking advantage of natural light for optimal cleaning results.  Embrace the time frame of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for thorough deep cleaning, allowing ample natural light to illuminate your home as you tidy up. When Cleaning Always Make The Most Of Your Vacuum Transform your vacuum into a powerful weapon for cleaning! Equip yourself with its versatile attachments to conquer your drapes, furniture, and those pesky nooks and crannies. But that’s not all – when it comes to your floors, remember to make not just one, but two passes through each room. And let’s not forget your rugs! Begin by vacuuming the room horizontally, then conquer it vertically, ensuring that every stubborn speck of dirt is vanquished. Take your time as you embark on this cleaning crusade. The more leisurely you glide the vacuum across the floor, the more likely you are to apprehend each tiny crumb and minute particle of dust along the way. Conclusion Getting started is the most important step in cleaning your home. Divide your home, gather the necessary supplies, and things will get easier. Don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on too much at once. If your place hasn’t always been the tidiest or if you’ve had messy houseguests, the initial deep clean may feel daunting. Take it one step at a time, working from section to section. By breaking up the job, it becomes more manageable. Once you’ve completed a thorough deep clean, maintaining it on a weekly or bi-weekly basis becomes less stressful. Follow

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