How To Clean An Inflatable Pool

How To Clean An Inflatable Pool?

Summer is here, and nothing beats the fun and relaxation of a swimming pool in the comfort of your backyard. If you have an inflatable pool, you know that it can quickly get dirty and require cleaning to keep it in top condition. 

Cleaning an inflatable pool may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a breeze. In this post, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide on how to clean an inflatable pool, so you can enjoy your pool to its fullest. 

How Often To Clean An Inflatable Pool 

Maintaining the cleanliness of an inflatable pool is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. One important aspect to consider is the frequency of water replacement. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is recommended to refresh the water in inflatable pools on a daily basis in order to prevent the accumulation of bacteria. 

Additionally, regular cleaning of the pool is necessary, with a minimum requirement of once every two weeks.

It is important to note that if the pool water appears cloudy or green, it indicates that a cleaning is overdue. Moreover, for larger inflatable pools, chlorine dispensers can be utilized as a means of maintaining cleanliness for a longer period. 

However, when it comes to smaller inflatable pools such as kiddie pools, it is advised to avoid mixing chemicals with water. Instead, these pools require cleaning at least every two weeks. 

By adhering to these guidelines, the cleanliness and hygiene of your inflatable pool can be effectively maintained.

What You’ll Need

To properly clean your inflatable pool, you will need the following equipment and materials:

  • Soft sponge or cloth: Use a soft sponge or cloth to gently clean the surface of the pool.
  • Towels: Keep towels handy for drying off any excess water.
  • Hose: A hose will come in handy for rinsing off the pool and its surroundings.
  • Bucket: Use a bucket to mix cleaning solutions or carry additional water.
  • Spray bottle: Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of water and dish soap for spot cleaning.
  • Dish soap: Use dish soap to clean the pool’s surface and remove any built-up debris.
  • Bleach: Add bleach to your cleaning mixture to sanitize the pool water.
  • Pool vacuum (optional): Consider using a pool vacuum to efficiently clean the pool floor and walls.
  • Pool leaf net (optional): A pool leaf net can be used to manually remove leaves and debris from the pool surface.

By following these steps and utilizing the necessary equipment and materials, you can effectively maintain a clean and sanitary inflatable pool.

How To Clean An Inflatable Pool?

Drain the Pool

To ensure a thorough cleaning of an inflatable pool, it is imperative to remove all of the water. Begin by completely draining the pool until it is completely empty. This step is crucial to ensure all debris and dirt are effectively removed, resulting in a pristine and hygienic pool.

Wash the Pool Liner Using Soap and Water

To clean the liner, start by filling a bucket with warm water. Add a few drops of dish soap to create a soapy solution. Take a soft sponge or microfiber cloth and lightly scrub the liner using the soapy water. It is important to be gentle and avoid applying too much pressure to prevent tearing the liner. 

Pay close attention to cleaning between any cracks and addressing the water line, as these areas are prone to mildew growth. Taking these steps will ensure thorough and effective cleaning of the liner.

Rinse and Dry the Pool Liner

After completing the washing process, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the pool using a hose to efficiently remove any remnants of soap. Subsequently, proceed to drain the water from the pool and meticulously wipe down the inner surface with a clean towel until the pool liner is completely dry. Pay extra attention to drying in between cracks and crevices to ensure proper maintenance and longevity.

Use Bleach or a Disinfectant Solution

To effectively eliminate tough grime, grease, and bacteria from bodily fluids, you can utilize bleach or another chemical disinfectant solution. For a homemade solution, combine 1/4 cup of household bleach with 32 oz of water in a spray bottle. 

Proceed by spraying the solution onto the pool liner surface, allowing it to sit for approximately 5 minutes to ensure thorough disinfection. Finally, rinse the surface with water from a hose. This process guarantees proper cleansing and sanitation.

Rinse and Dry the Pool Again

The pool cleaning process involves several important steps. Firstly, after using a chemical solution to clean the pool, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the pool using a hose. This will ensure that all residue from the cleaning products is completely removed. 

To further guarantee the removal of any remaining cleaning solution, multiple rounds of rinsing should be performed. Once the rinsing process is complete, it is important to drain any remaining water from the pool. 

To prevent the formation of mildew, it is recommended to wipe down the inside of the pool using a dry and clean towel. By following these steps, you can effectively maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your pool.

Refill With Fresh Water

After thoroughly drying the pool, it is recommended to replenish it with fresh water using a hose. To ensure optimal cleanliness and safety, cover the inflated and filled pool with a suitable cover until it is ready for future use.

5 Tips To Keep An Inflatable Pool Clean Longer

Keep debris out of the pool 

One of the easiest ways to keep your inflatable pool clean is to prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. If possible, set up your pool in a shaded area to avoid leaves, twigs, and other debris from falling into the water. You can also use a pool cover or tarp to keep the pool protected when not in use. If you notice any debris in the pool, use a skimmer or net to remove it as soon as possible.

Use the right chemicals 

While an inflatable pool may not require as many chemicals as a larger, permanent pool, you still need to use the appropriate ones to keep the water safe and clear. Chlorine is commonly used to disinfect and sanitize pool water, but you can also use other alternatives such as bromine or mineral purifiers. Follow the instructions on the label for the right amount of chemicals to use, and make sure to test the water regularly to keep the levels balanced.

Clean the filter regularly 

Most inflatable pools have a built-in pump and filter system that helps keep the water clean and circulating. It’s important to clean the filter regularly to prevent it from clogging and reduce the workload on the pump. Check the filter every few days and rinse it with a hose or replace it if necessary. A dirty filter will make the pump work harder and may cause it to break down over time.

Shock the pool as needed 

If you notice that the pool water is cloudy or has a strong odor, it may be time to shock the water. Shocking the pool involves adding a high concentration of chemicals to the water to oxidize contaminants and restore crystal clear water. Follow the instructions on the label and be sure to wait a few hours before using the pool again.

Drain and clean the pool regularly 

Lastly, it’s important to drain and clean the pool regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria, algae, and other contaminants. Depending on how frequently you use the pool, you may need to drain it every few weeks or months. Before draining, use a pool brush to scrub the sides and bottom of the pool and remove any dirt or debris. Rinse the pool with a hose and let it air dry before storing it away.

Final Words

Cleaning an inflatable pool might seem like a daunting task, but it’s essential to keep it clean and clear for safe and enjoyable swimming. By following the steps in this guide, you can ensure that your inflatable pool remains in top condition throughout the summer. 

Remember to drain, clean, add chemicals, inflate, and maintain your pool regularly. If you need guidance or have any questions about inflatable pools, consider consulting a professional pool maintenance company for advice. We hope this guide has been helpful, and we wish you happy and safe swimming in your clean and sparkling pool!

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