Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Christmas Early

9 Things You Can Do Now To Get Ready For Christmas Early

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and before we know it, we’ll be busy with gift wrapping, festive dinners, and caroling. It’s a special time of the year, but it can also be incredibly hectic. 

However, with a little bit of planning and preparation, you can make your Christmas effortlessly enjoyable. In this blog, we’ll share with you nine tips on things you can do now to get ready for Christmas early.

Decide about a Christmas card and/or Christmas picture

It is recommended to start planning for your Christmas card and family picture in advance to avoid any last-minute issues. Taking the time to think through these details and create a well-thought-out plan will ensure a smooth process. 

Additionally, if you have been postponing sending out a Christmas card for the past couple of years, maybe this year can be the perfect opportunity to finally make it happen.

Make a list of who you’ll be buying for

Creating a written record of your gift ideas can be highly beneficial. Try jotting down your gift ideas next to each person’s name, either on paper or in the notes app on your phone. This way, you can easily track your list as you make purchases and make updates accordingly.

Watch for deals on gifts

By beginning preparations for Christmas in advance, individuals gain the advantage of having extra time to meticulously search for exceptional deals and discounts, ensuring the acquisition of remarkable gifts at affordable prices.

Start saving and/or earning some extra money

In order to effectively manage your finances and avoid overspending during the holiday season, it is recommended to start budgeting and saving money well in advance. By setting aside a portion of your income specifically for Christmas expenses, you can ensure a more financially stable and stress-free December.

Additionally, if you anticipate that your budget will be tight, now is the perfect time to brainstorm and explore various opportunities to generate some extra income prior to the holidays. This proactive approach will provide you with more financial flexibility and alleviate any potential financial strain that may arise during the festive period.

Make note of what decor you have and what else you may need

Considering that you already possess an extensive collection of Christmas decorations, it might be advantageous to utilize what you currently have and allocate some of your resources. By doing so, you could potentially reduce expenses. 

However, if you anticipate requiring additional items, now would be an opportune moment to begin scouting for lucrative deals on platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, among others.

Furthermore, take into account that crafting your own decorations can be a viable option. For instance, I recently fashioned a no-sew pillow cover using an old sweater. I am eagerly looking forward to incorporating it into my Christmas decor this year!

Plan out food/menus if you’ll be hosting company

Planning meals in advance can offer numerous benefits, even if it may seem early. By taking action now, you can reduce future worries and alleviate unnecessary stress. Additionally, having a well-thought-out meal plan enables you to carefully consider nutritional needs and dietary preferences, making mealtime more enjoyable and satisfying. 

Embracing this proactive approach allows for efficient grocery shopping, optimal meal preparation, and overall better meal management. Remember, investing time in planning meals now will yield long-lasting rewards and peace of mind in the future.

Think through how to make your home guest-ready

If you currently have a guest room, now is an opportune time to reassess and ensure it is fully prepared to cater to your guests’ needs. However, if you do not have a dedicated guest room, consider utilizing other available spaces in your home, such as spare rooms or even your living room, to accommodate your visiting guests. Taking these steps will help create a welcoming and comfortable environment for your visitors.

Make a plan for Advent

During the festive season, engaging in Advent traditions can bring joy and anticipation to your family. One cherished tradition that my Grandma used to follow was purchasing adorable Advent calendars each year. Although we didn’t engage in additional activities, I found solace and delight in this simple practice.

Considering your own plans for the holiday season, whether it be opting for an Advent calendar or something more elaborate, it is crucial to start planning now to avoid feeling unprepared when December arrives. By doing so, you can ensure a well-organized and memorable celebration.

Brainstorm ways to reach out to others this Christmas

During the holiday season, it is common to become engrossed in the hustle and bustle, inadvertently neglecting intentional outreach to others. It is important to remember that Christmas can be a challenging time for many individuals, for various reasons. So, how can we make a positive impact this year? Consider these thoughtful and straightforward suggestions:

  1. Extend an invitation to someone who would otherwise spend Christmas alone this year.
  2. If permitted, visit residents at a local nursing home or send them heartfelt Christmas cards to brighten their spirits.
  3. Delight your neighbors by presenting them with homemade baked goods or unique gift-in-a-jar creations.
  4. Contribute to a toy-drive or endeavor like Operation Christmas Child, spreading joy to less fortunate children.


These nine tips will make your Christmas planning a breeze. Don’t wait until the last minute to start your holiday preparations. With a little bit of planning and organization, you can make the most of your holiday season, enjoy time with family and friends, and make wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. Happy Christmas planning!

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